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SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launches powerful hurricane-hunting weather satellite

SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launches powerful hurricane-hunting weather satellite
By William Harwood

Updated on: June 25, 2024 / 10:19 PM EDT / CBS News

A powerful SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket boosted a hurricane-hunting GOES weather satellite into orbit Tuesday, the final member of a four-satellite fleet at the heart of an $11 billion upgrade to the nation's forecasting infrastructure.

"NOAA's geostationary satellites are an indispensable tool for protecting the United States and the one billion people who live and work in the Americas," said Pam Sullivan, GOES program director. "They provide a constant real-time view of weather and dangerous environmental phenomena across the western hemisphere." Leer más...

Fuente: CBS NEWS

Pais: USA

Categoría: Ciencia

Fecha: 26/06/24

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